Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Where are you Going, Where Have You Been?

In this story I really liked how Joyce Carol Oates made a mental picture of the "BAD GUY." She described him as just kind of a greeser. For example the sterotype bad guy with dark hair and mirror refelcting sunglasses. I couldn't tell from the begining what story this one was retelling, but by the end I could see that it was a retelling of many different stories, for example there is a wicked stepmother part like in Snow White, an evil sister part like in Cinderella, and a big bad wolf part like in The Three Little Pigs. Here is an example of what I picture a wicked stepmother, and the evil sister to look like.

I also liked this story because it is a story about something that your parents tell you not to do everyday while you are growing up, and that is NOT TO TALK TO STRANGERS!!! I can't count the number of times that my parents told me this. I was just looking on the web about talking to strangers, and I found these lyrics about talking to strangers that are kind of interesting.

This story also ends with a very vague ending. It gives the reader the chance to think about what happens next, or what else could happen. I think that once Connie gets into the car she beats the crap out of Arnold Friend and his friend Ellie is afraid of what might happen to him so he drives off and leaves Arnold Friend for the police.

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