Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Class Poems

The poems that were presented in class were all very interesting. I liked how each and everyone had it's own style and sound. Every poem sounds very different, not just by the words, but by how the different words are stressed and how they are combined. The part of the poems that I really was taken back by was that almost all of the poets that my classmates talked about were depressed. I had no idea that so many people who have made such an impact on literature were so unhappy. Depression is a serious medical condition that is cused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. There is help today wiht modern medicine, but at the time that many of these poems were written there was not any sort of treatment.
I was also interested in the fact that Dayle's poet was in to a cult type of thing. Cult is a cohesive group of people dedicated to a belief or religion that the community or culture around them doesn't think of as part of the mainstream according to Wikipedia. I find it very interesting that this poet who was not considered a very rational person could be published in literature and many people don't even blink an eye when they read his poems. On the other hand there are many people that will not let their kids read Harry Potter becuase of the Wizardry involved. JK Rowling is a perfectly normal person who has kids of her own, but some people who consider her writing to be evil. The big misunderstanding is that she doesn't mean them to be evil, she just wants to get kids to read and to enjoy them for entertainment.

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