Wednesday, June 6, 2007

The Soldier and the Nurse

Last November a young nursing student named Jill was working at a hospital in Billings, Montana. She was going to graduate in just one short month. Everything was going her way, and her life was falling into the frame that she had always imagined. The one thing that she didn’t have was a boyfriend, or husband. Her father really made this an issue. When she would talk to him on the phone, he would always ask if she had met anyone yet, or if she would like to be set up with someone when she came home to visit. This thought about a serious life change had never crossed Jill’s mind. She only thought about graduating and eventually joining the army so she could help the injured solders who had gone down in battle.

The month flew by and Jill finally graduated. She passed her national board exam with flying colors; she was a very smart young lady. There were job offers given to her from all around Montana, but Jill passed them all up so that she could join the army. Her father really didn’t like this turn her life was taking because, now there is no way she will find a husband to settle down with. Even thought Jill’s father didn’t like her choice she went ahead with it, and came out of basic training feeling great about her self. With the United States in a war against terrorism Jill’s skills were in great demand. She was quickly sent off to Iraq to work in a field hospital.
Jill had been working there for close to three months, and it was starting to wear her down. She was working 20 hours a day, with no time for her self. One morning the sky was very overcast and even though the clock said 11:00 in the morning it felt more like 11:00 at night. With the weather acting so strange there was no question that something bad was going to happen. The weather was right, a huge battle broke out just ten miles from the field hospital that Jill was stationed at. Solders were coming in by the hundreds with injuries, and there was total chaos in the hospital. Jill was running around trying to be in three places at once, and then she saw a solder being carried in on a stretcher. She only caught a glimpse of him, and then he was gone. This pandemonium in the hospital went on for the rest of the day and into the night. Finally the solders stopped coming in and Jill could catch her breath.
While on a break Jill remembered the feeling that she got when that solder on the stretcher was carted passed her, and just thinking about him gave her the same feeling again. She suddenly knew that she needed to find out who this man was. Jill searched the entire hospital until she found him. His name was Duane and he had such a horrific injury to his face that it was wrapped in gauze and his face could not be seen. She was just staring at him, and that same feeling came back to her. She couldn’t figure out if it was fear or just butterflies. Suddenly he opened his mouth and barked orders at her to get him some water. He went on and on with all sorts of orders for her, he was not a nice man. After she had spoken to him, Jill decided that it was fear that she felt when Duane was around.
The weeks passed, and Jill found her self paying attention only to Duane and not to anyone else, he had consumed her every thought. Finally her time served in Iraq was coming to an end. She was given her release papers and had decided to go home to her father in Geraldine, Montana. The day that Jill was supposed to leave the field hospital, Duane gave her one last order, and that was to come live with him in Boston at his house and take care of him. Because Jill was still filled with fear when she was around him she could only say yes. She called her father and told him what she was going to do, and they flew to Boston to start Duane’s recovery.
The house that they drove up to was huge, and had a great big lawn and garden surrounding it. Duane still had his face all bandaged up, so Jill had never seen his real face. The days went on and Duane was very bitter and short to Jill. She couldn’t understand why she had come to Boston with such a mean man that she didn’t even know. One morning Duane was playing fetch with his dog, and the moment Jill was in sight Duane instantly got mean and snapped at the dog. Jill went to the dog to comforted him, then she went to scold Duane, but the next thing that she knew they were kissing. It was the best thing she had ever felt. She felt totally free. After the kiss Duane started to relax around Jill and treat her with respect and gratitude. A week passed and they were falling in love. Jill couldn’t believe it; she was falling in love with a man that she had never seen his face before.
One more month went by, and Duane asked Jill to marry her. She instantly said yes, but then hesitated and said “but I have never seen your face before.” She didn’t know if she could love someone with such a bad injury on their face. Duane was heart broken, but he said that there is only one way to find out, and he took off the bandages. Jill’s mouth dropped wide open, and then she ran into his arms yelling “I Love You.” Duane had terrible scars all over his face, but Jill didn’t care. They got married and lived a very long life together. At the wedding Jill’s father had made the comment that, “Wow, a beauty can really love a beast!”

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