Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Overall Experience

The overall experience that I have gained throughtout this six week class is more than what I thought it would be when I registered. I thought that it would be just another class where I could get through not really paying attention and not learning any of the material that was talked about in class. This is how I usually act when I have to take anything that is not a science class. I used to think that the only classes that really were worth learning something were science classes, and I guess that is because, like I said before there is a wright and a wrong answer. Literature classes were not something that you learned anything new in, you just read books and discussed them. This semester of English 123 has changed my opinion on that whole way that I thinking. I have learned how to really think about what I am reading and how to try to interpret what the author is trying to get across to me. Before, I would just read the assignment and wouldn't even care what it was saying. To really understand what an author is saying you need to research the author and discover where the author was at in his or hers life. You also need to know stories from the past, and stories from the time that poem or paly was written in, you must be educated. This is a must if you want to get all of the hidden and uncovered punches that are tucked away in the words. The main thing is to know stories so that you GET WHAT IS GOING ON!!!!

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